At WorkStrong Physiotherapy we are following the advice given by the Government and Victorian Health Department regarding Covid-19. At the clinic, we have taken these precautions to keep you and our staff as safe as possible:

  1. If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms we ask that you do NOT attend your appointment.
  2. If someone at home is experiencing cold or flu symptoms we ask that you call to reschedule your appointment also.
  3. If you are awaiting a covid 19 test we ask that you do NOT attend the clinic until a negative result has been given.
  4. If you have recently arrived from overseas we ask that you do NOT attend your appointment for at least 3 weeks.
  5. If you have come into close contact with someone known to have Covid-19 we ask that you do NOT attend your appointment.
  6. Upon arrival we invite you to wash your hands with soap and warm water provided and use the hand sanitiser regularly.
  7. Our practitioners will be washing their hands with warm water and soap after each consult and using hand sanitiser regularly.
  8. We have removed all linen from tables and are sanitising the tables after each use. If towels are used during your treatment they are washed under a hot cycle and hot tumble dry.
  9. We are sanitising door handles, desks and reception areas often.
  10. We have removed pens for the signing of EFT receipts. We have also removed magazines and water stations.
  11. We have spaced seating in the waiting area.
  12. Practitioners will be wearing surgical masks as well as goggles or face shields.
  13. All patients are expected to wear a face mask to their appointment.
  14. Practitioners are adhering to the 1.5m distancing from each other.
  15. Please wait in the car until your practitioner is ready to see you. They will meet you at the front door and will do a quick temperature check.
  16. Please do not bring family members or others to your appointment unless needed
    • Instances where a family member or other may attend include.
    • Dependent children where no other care can be arranged.
    • Assistance to the clinic where you may be experiencing acute pain
    • A disability where a carer is required.
    • If an interpreter is required.
  17. You will be required to fill out a covid-19 screen prior to your appointment. Your practitioner will review your answers prior to your appointment.
  18. You will receive a phone call from your practitioner to determine whether your appointment is of an urgent nature.

*Note these policies and procedures are subject to change according to the advice given by the DHHS and Vic Government.